Seitenpfad: -> Showroom 2/3 -> Heilpilz: Cordyceps Sinensis
Cordyceps unterstützt die hormonale Balance und die Libido
Deutlich spürbare Wirkung schon bei der ersten Einnahme!
A book from the Dang dynasty stated how tea was essential to treating various diseases. With the financial assistance from the Zhen-Jiong province natural science fund, China was able to extract the essential elements of tea. Also, the relation between Teebaum-Multienzymen and free radicals from the level of molecules to cells, tissues and organisms was understood better throughout numerous researches conducted. With the increasing numbers of modern diseases such as diabetes, malignant tumors, and cardiovascular diseases, people are looking for a better and more effective natural supplement for disease prevention. The teetree-multienzyme appears to meet these demands. 1. Function evaluation:Effectiveness in radical clearance: The effectiveness in oxygen radical and hydrogen radical clearance was 98% and 99% respectively. At the same time, it was found that the efficiency in radical clearance is greater than Vitamin C and E. Anti-aging: The studies found that the experimental fly groups treated with teatree–multienzyme increased their half-life time by 13.6 to 15.5 Tage. The average life expectancy of the experimental groups was 36.1 to 49.9% longer in comparison to the control group. Anti-fatigue: The study rat groups were treated with 30 and 100 mg/kg of Teebaum-Multienzyme, while the control groups only received normal saline. The treatment was given once a day, and continued for one Woche. In comparison to the control group, the study groups showed that the average swimming time was 28.3±2.7mins. The average swimming time of the study groups treated with 30 and 100 mg/kg of Teebaum-Multienzyme were 36.6±6.1 and 49.7±9.7mins respectively. This clearly indicated the potency of Teebaum-Multienzyme to enhance physical activity. Anti-radiation: The animal studies conducted in Japan reported that the tea had anti-radiation effect. This finding supported the higher survival rate noted in people consuming tea as a habit after the atomic bombing in WWII. It was also found that Teebaum-Multienzyme demonstrated better clearance of oxygen radical in comparison to vitamin C and E. After treating the adult rats with radiation, feeding these rats with Teebaum-Multienzyme not only reduced the amount of oxidized lipoid tissue, but also increased the activity of SOD and GSH-PH within these rats. These findings reconfirmed the anti-radiation effect of Teebaum-Multienzyme. Effect on dental hygiene: Individuals from the study group receiving the concentration of 1mg/ml Teebaum-Multienzyme solution showed decreases in the growth of Streptococci in their oral cavity. It was also noted that these 47 individuals in the study group who rinsed their oral cavities with 0.2% solution of Teebaum-Multienzyme had noticeable decreases in dental caries and the amount of Streptococci in their oral cavities over time. Antiseptic effects: In culturing, Teebaum-Multienzyme showed inhibition to the growth of Staphylococci, Streptococci, Salmonella bacilli, and several other bacilli. Effect on immune system: After treating the small sized rats in the experimental group with Teebaum-Multienzyme, the cell numbers and mass of thymus glands and spleens were both increased. Also, the indication of lymphocytes in the experimental group was higher than the control group. Enhancements of Cordyceps & Teebaum-Multienzyme to different body systems
A checkbox represents an enhancement. In conclusion, the combination of Cordyceps and Teebaum-Multienzyme has doubled the effectiveness in enhancing immune system, cardiovascular system, anti-malignancy, and anti-aging. In addition, the peripheral blood circulation is improved with the treatment of Teebaum-Multienzyme over time. The product of Cordyceps and Teebaum-Multienzyme has been tested and examined to ensure good quality control for long-term usage. |
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