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deutsche Version


4. - 6. 8. 2009 Cuckoo gives acupuncture sessions in Munich
30. 07. - 2.8. 2009

Cuckoos teaches TCM at the HPI in Munich.

1. 7. 2005 Cuckoo in Cologne - Acupuncture, Zen Meeting
20. 10. 2004

Anouncement for the Goa Medical & Zen Seminar in Januar 2005

19. 11. 2004 Participation fee for the seminar has been cut on your behalf

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Let LivingZen lift up your Life

The word Living Zen means to live Zen or to use Zen in daily life. LivingZen is a group of people that with the help of Zen Master and Chinese Doctor Cuckoo uses Zen in daily life to learn more about themselves and their bodies.

Today there is :

  • The Cuckoo Zen Garden a famous healthy food gourmet restaurant in Candolim, Goa
  • The Cuckoo Zen organic Farm providing safe organic food in Goa, India
  • The Cuckoo Zen Clinic that each year provides treatment to hundreds of patients from all around the world
  • The Living Zen Webpage, which is introducing new health related knowledge and effective natural remedies without side effects to the western world


We hope that LivingZen will help you to improve your life, too.

Citation Cuckoo: " If you don´t help yourself, who will?"


Cuckoo in seiner Praxis in Candolim, Goa - Zenmeister, Entwickler chinesischer Medizin, weltberühmter chinesischer Doktor, Calligraph, Zenmeister und einer der Gründer von LivingZen.

>> mehr über Cuckoo

>> Cuckoo in Europa


Der Cuckoo Zen Garten in Candolim, Goa. Berühmtes taiwanesisches Feinschmeckerrestaurant mit 100 % gesundem Bio-Essen ohne Chemie. Schwerpunkt: Gesundes Essen zur Heilungsunterstützung und Krankheitsprävention.

Spezialitäten wie Sashimi, Sushi, medizinische Suppen & Tees, Miso, grüner Hochgebirgstee und vielem mehr...

>> mehr über den Cuckoo Zen Garten



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